Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday's Quote

If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. ~Nadine Stair


Nan said...

I used to have this whole saying by Nadine S. on my fridge. I love the idea of being barefoot, but because I have one leg shorter than another, I wear shoes all the time. And then there is the sand, etc. on my floor from dogs and living on a dirt road. uh,oh, do I sound like Mr Monk? :<)

alison said...

I don't go barefoot very much either, but this quote reminds me to let my kids do it if they want to. And I am very Monkish when it comes to feet cleanliness! Even if it's not bath night, I still make them hose of their toesies - no black feet in the bed!