Friday, May 2, 2008

Jumping Right In

Finally! I've gotten around to creating a blog of my very own! Besides using this as an idea journal for myself, I hope to share some of these ideas with those of you with similar interests.

While trying to think of the perfect name for my blog, I came across the poem Crystal Cabinet by William Blake. While not exactly one of my favorite poems, it contains the phrase " a lovely, little moony night" which to me conjures up both an image and a feeling that I absolutely love.

I hope you will find my blog of interest, and will truly appreciate any comments you may have.

I still have to figure out how to post photos with my prehistoric camera, but I'm sure that I'll get around to that soon. I just didn't want another day to go by without getting this going!

1 comment:

Nan said...

I love the name, and even more so, knowing its origin. Welcome to the blogging world, Alison!