Saturday, May 10, 2008

Garage Sale Fever

Today I paid a visit to the huge, annual rummage sale in the next town up from mine. EVERYONE in the town participates, and there are always many treasures to be found. If you are looking for toys and kid clothing, you need to look on the edge of town, which has all the newer homes with young families. But if you want to find a real treasure - something you didn't know you couldn't live without - you need to look down Main Street, where the old brick homes with the crooked stoops and huge lilacs are. I managed to hit both areas, and came home with a couple of things for the kiddos, a big straw hat to be used in Fall for my scarecrow, a copy of James Harriot's All Creatures Great and Small, a CD of harp music, and an old coffee percolator. I probably could have done without the percolator, but it reminded me of doings in my childhood church gathering room (ie Breakfast with Baby Jesus) and I figured I could use it dispensing apple cider or Winter wassail. All in all, it was successful trip!

1 comment:

alison said...

Hi madrekarin,

Thank you so much for visiting and your lovely comment. I look forward to getting to know you!
