Thursday, May 8, 2008

Aldo Leopold Bench

Today's plan includes a trip to the local lumber yard for some Douglas Fir and carriage bolts to attempt to make an Aldo Leopold bench. I first learned about these cute benches a few years ago when a local Boy Scout pack was making and selling them. Mr. Leopold was one of the first true wildlife conservationists and a wonderful author. He designed this simple bench (although I'll probably have some trouble making it :) for people to use in their gardens, under a tree, or as a rest spot along woodland paths. My directions sheet, which I found easily found online, says:

"To spy a Leopold bench in someone's yard is to know something about the family who there resides. Even if you haven't read Leopold's opening lines, 'There are some who can live without wild things, and some who cannot. These essays are the delights and dilemmas of one who cannot," from A Sand County Almanac, you will appreciate this easy-to-build bench."

I'll try making one, and if it goes well, I'd like to make a few for 'round the bonfire pit.


Nan said...

I so loved the book, and I look forward to photos of your bench. I'm not going to look online; I'll wait and let your blog surprise me.:<)

alison said...

Hi Nan,

I guess I'm going to have to have my husband help me with the saw - I chickened out once I got in the shed! But I am proud to say I hauled the lumber all by myself!