Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Carly Simon

I just heard that Carly Simon has a new cd out, and I'm very anxious to give it a listen. There's just something about her voice that makes me get in a summertime mood - maybe it's partially because I picture her singing on Martha's Vineyard (where she has a home) under the stars with a soft breeze blowing off the coast. Her last cd, Into White, has one of my favorite songs - Quiet Evening - some of the lyrics:

Quiet evening,
you've been longing for.
Quiet evening,
you've been longing,
take this night
for the sake of your soul.

This song makes me want to put my dear children to bed 20 minutes early, pour myself a cocktail, take it out on my glider swing on the deck and watch the sky in silence, ALONE, for the sake of my soul!
Another cd of Carly's I love is Moonlight Serenade, on which she covers dreamy songs like Moonglow, The More I See You, and Alone Together. This cd is equally great for dining alfresco or lounging in the tub. :)


Les said...

We have the new Carly Simon cd on our in-store playlist at work (Barnes & Noble). I haven't had a chance to really give it a good listen, but so far, I like it! I've been a big fan since the '70s. :)

Susan Moorhead said...

That's funny - I think of her as summertime music, too. I love her song about going to the island (Martha's) at night on the ferry...I came over from Nan's blog - welcome!

alison said...

Hi Les -
What a DREAM to work at Barnes & Noble! I hope to order Carly's new cd this week. Have you ever visited carlysimon. com? It is really a pretty website.

Hi Susan,
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I will pay yours a visit soon.:)
I think another reason Carly says "summer" to me is the photo of her singing in a harbor on the cover of her Live from the Vineyard cd - you can just feel the warm ocean breeze!


Les said...

Thanks for the link to Simon's website, Alison. I'd completely forgotten about a book she'd written that I bought for my daughter (Amy) many, many years ago. It's called Amy the Dancing Bear. Now I'm off to peruse more of her website!

Nan said...

I'm just this evening watching Heartburn. Have you seen it? I read the book a while ago, by Nora Ephron, and wanted to see the film. Well, Carly does the music, and I remembered you had written about her lately, so I searched your blog, and found this post. Have you bought the new one yet? Do you like it? I just bought the song in the movie, Comin' Around Again. It was perfect in the film. Funny, I bought a lot of early Simon, but haven't for many, many years.