Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Song of the Screen Door

I must have told the kids to "either go out or stay in" 20 times today. This poem came to mind!

Song of the Screen Door

The screen door sings a homey song
Of cozy creaks and crangs
That kids just love to punctuate
With nerve exploding bangs...
They wait until you're nodding off...
(As grownups often do)
Or better, 'til your coffee cup
Is full of scalding brew.
And then, just as if shot from guns
At deadly point blank range...
Wham! They're in!... Or, slam! They're out!
And splash!...
You have to change.

by Tom Hegg from "Up to the Lake"

1 comment:

Nan said...

Isn't that just so wonderful! Perfect. I'll have to look up the poet. I like poems that express real life so well.