Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday's Poem

Midsummer Night
by Elizabeth Gould

The sun goes down,
The stars peep out,
And long slim shadows
Flit about.

In velvet shoes
The quiet dark
Comes stepping soft
O'er wood and park.

And now the world
Is fast asleep;
And fays and elves
Their revels keep.

They fly on the backs of the grey-winged moths,
They skim on the dragonflies green and gold
On shimmering dew-wet grass they alight,
Tiny petal-skirts whirl, gauzy wings unfold.

The fairies are dancing beneath the moon
Hush! See the shimmer of their twinkling shoon!


Susan Moorhead said...

That really captures the magical feel of summer nights :)

alison said...

I wish one of those fairies would float on in here and pick up my messy living room!