Sunday, July 13, 2008

Gone for a bit

I've been away from the computer for awhile because my daughter has been having an awful time with her asthma. The doctor said there's just something in the air right now that is triggering it, and we've had to stay inside with the air conditioning on. No car rides with the window down, no golf-cart rides in the woods, no bonfires at dusk. The same thing happened around this time last year, so at least we know it will pass in a week or so after the mystery culprit finishes blooming. In the meantime, it's been all about inhalers, books, and boardgames around here, and lots of extra attention to my little dear to ease her sadness as big brother goes out to catch frogs.


Nan said...

It must be so scary for you when this happens.

Nan said...

How is she doing now??