Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday, Cat Stevens

Just heard on NPR that it's Cat Steven's (Yusuf Islam) birthday today. I'll be playing his Greatest Hits cd tonight and since it's a clear night and the moon's just shy of full, I'll be watching for a moonshadow of my own.

I'm being followed by a moonshadow,


Susan Moorhead said...

I love Cat Steven's songs - I heard his new (ish) cd as Yusef recently, he still has a lovely voice, but it's the old stuff that sends me - I think the old music mixes with memories as it sieves through my brain so what gets delivered in my ear is just golden.

alison said...

I agree, I like his earlier work best!

Nan said...

Do you have An Other Cup? It is quite, quite wonderful.

alison said...

I checked with my brother-in-law, who has a music collection like no other, and he has offered to lend it to me so I can check it out. As always, thanks for the recommendation!