Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Moonflower Project

For the last couple years, I've kept a pretty paisley binder full of magazine & newspaper articles ripped out because they took my fancy for one reason or another. Every once in awhile I take a moment and flip through it, and today I've decided to try making a moonflower screen I read about in Cottage Living magazine. All you do is plant moonflowers in a oblong metal container and train 6 or so vines vertically on string all the way up to an overhang or porch roof, and you get a lovely privacy screen that will put on a blossoming show for you each night. I'm not trying to block anything out here in the middle of the farm field, but I think I'll like the cozy feeling of being a little more enclosed on the porch. I really do need to figure out how to put photos on here, don't I?!


Marcie said...

I hope you do figure out how to add photos when these moonflowers bloom. I'd love to see them. I usually plant just one moonflower in my little moon garden, but haven't purchased one yet this year.

PS, I just remembered to add you to my blogroll. I've been a little behind on blog maintanance with such a busy spring!

Susan Moorhead said...

I would tell you how to except my daughter had to show me - and I had to write it down - and it may only work on my Kodak online thing. Do you have ofoto or kodak? to develop your photos? Maybe I could try to explain if you do.
Meanwhile I need to figure out how to make a longer post so I don't end up with a lot of separate posts. I read the blogger how-to's but my eyes started to cross.

alison said...

Hi aisling & Susan,
I hope to figure out the photo posting thing soon - Nan has given me some tips that I'll try as soon as I have a worthy photo to use.
Thanks for stopping by!