Thursday, September 4, 2008

This week's quote - Little Women

I felt this with my mother, and I can only hope that my children feel the same way as they go off to school.

They always looked back before turning the corner, for their mother was always at the window to nod and smile, and wave her hand at them. Somehow it seemed as if they couldn't have got through the day without that, for whatever their mood might be, the last glimpse of that motherly face was sure to affect them like sunshine.

Louisa May Alcott, from Little Women

1 comment:

Nan said...

I read a comment you wrote on a blog that said your girl was starting kindergarten. I know just how you feel. I dropped my youngest off that day, went grocery shopping, and cried in the store, remembering him in the cart basket or on my back in a pack. Not easy, and not forgettable.