Sunday, March 7, 2010

Favorite Party Decoration Ever!

I spotted this neat idea for crepe paper streamers awhile back in Better Homes and Gardens. I've made them for several occasions, most recently for my daughter's birthday. I've made them for baby showers, Halloween parties, and Mother's Day. They are SO easy and have major impact! An embroidery hoop is used as a base, then the streamers are wrapped over the top and secured with the hoop inset. The instructions for this particular 'windsock' streamer calls for an 8 inch hoop, with 8 foot lengths of crepe paper, hung by fishing line. Normally I wouldn't put red, purple, and hot pink together as shown in the magazine, but the combination actually does make for a very pretty "Bohemian" type color scheme. I'm looking forward to hanging some outside around the deck for my first warm weather soiree, which will hopefully be sooner than later!


Cait O'Connor said...

Simple ideas are always the best!

alison said...

I agree, Cait -the simpler (and cheaper!) the better!