Saturday, March 13, 2010

Throwing raindrops - That's What Leprechauns Do!

The three leprechauns placed a pot of glittering gold in just the right spot and watched the rainbow curve itself all the way down till it ended on top of the pot.

They settled themselves to wait. They tootled some grass stalk music, threw raindrops at each other, and ate rosehips they'd brought for snacks.

"Maybe we should put up a sign," Boo suggested. "'Pot of gold, this way.'"

"No, no!" Ari said, "that's not how it's done. There's a bit of magic to the finding, and a bit of luck, and a bit of imagination, too. That gold's waiting for just the right person."

From the book That's What Leprechauns Do by Eve Bunting


Cait O'Connor said...

I must seek out that book for my gdds.

alison said...

I think they'd love it - especially the lovely illustrations.