Thursday, March 25, 2010

Martha's Vineyard Radio

Here's a website I enjoy that feeds into my New England/Martha's Vineyard/Cape Cod obsession - It's the radio station of Martha's Vineyard, and they play some pretty cool music over there. For example, Ben Folds is currently playing. How I'd love to go to one of the LL Bean sponsored concerts they advertise! I'm thinking of sending a SASE to receive my free Blue Lobster sticker to put on the farm's golfcart. :) Wonder when I'll ever actually set foot on the island and hear the music out of an actual radio with an ocean breeze in my hair.... one can dream!


Nan said...

This is great! I don't have high enough speed to hear radio on my computer, but it sounds wonderful. I've been to MV as a little girl but not since.

Cait O'Connor said...

I listen to Last Fm which is great, I have set up my own library of tracks and play it while blogging etc. It is free.

alison said...

Hi Nan,

I really hope to get their someday -maybe have a little lunch with Susan Branch!

Hi Cait,
I hadn't heard of Last Fm - I'm certainly going to try it.

Erin | Bygone Living said...

Thank you for visiting my blog! It looks like we do, indeed, have much in common!
As you continue viewing my blog, you'll note the depths of my New England/Cape Cod/Martha's Vineyard/Nantucket love :)
I'm actually traveling to Cape Cod and Nantucket this June for the first time... needless to say, I'm beyond excited!!

Looking forward to following you!♥

alison said...

Thanks so much for stopping by, Erin!