Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A New England State of Mind

This painting by Will Moses reminds me of the area where I live in Wisconsin. I love all of his work, and while I know he is painting New England I always feel at home in his scenery.

There's a quote by Mark Van Doren in my Autumn Susan Branch book that reads:
"New England has a way of doing this to people; they can be homesick for it even if they have never seen it."

Boy, does that ever sum me up. For as long as I can remember, I've had an obsession with the area, and I have no idea what started it. I've never been fortunate enough to visit in person, but I love to read books of the area and they have taken me there.

Until I get to visit in person, I'll just have to keep "pretending" I'm there. This isn't too hard to do in my little town - we have an adorable harbor and marina, two lighthouses, a quaint downtown with cafes and friendly little shops, very old cemeteries and churches, and beautiful woodland areas. But for me, there's something missing that I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe someday, either through my reading or an actual visit, I'll figure it out.


Nan said...

That's me, and "old" England. I have been there and wasn't disappointed. The reality was as good as the dream.

Susan Moorhead said...

If you are meant to love New England, it really does grab you. We are in New York (lived ten years in Ct but had to move back for work) but I have to say, every time I drive up the highway and start to see the waving marsh grass and the tang of salt air announcing coastal New England, my heart feels lighter. Someday we hope to go back. (your town sounds lovely though!)