Thursday, August 14, 2008

What I'm Reading, Watching, Listening to

Reading: The Beach House by Jane Green and Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder (a chapter each night to the kids). The Little House reading is going at an extremely slow pace because I have to keep pausing to answer various questions like "Why would Laura and Mary be so happy to play with a blown-up pig's bladder for a ball?"

Watching: Not much time for TV lately but still catching up on Discovery's Deadliest Catch series. Most recent Netflix movie was The Bank Job, which I didn't care for and stopped watching about 10 minutes in. I'm actually thinking of stopping Netflix for awhile - I feel like I struggle to find new things to put in my queue. I figure I can get any older movies I want from the good old library. The next movie I'll watch (or rather re-watch for the 5th time) will be the 50 cent copy of The Princess Bride I found last week at the thrift shop. Score! And what will really make it fun is that my husband's never seen it before.

Listening: Prince Edward Island Fiddlers, which I received as an iTunes gift from dear Nan over at Letters from a Hill Farm, Alison Krauss Lonely Runs Both Ways, and Thicker Than Water by Jack Johnson and Friends.


Nan said...

You know, people are always talking about the Little House books, and I just couldn't get through even one. Not sure why. I'll have to ask my daughter if she read them, since I know I didn't read them to her.

As for movies, honestly what we watch the most from Netflix are tv shows. Right now I'm thrilled with The Gilmour Girls. I'm still on the first season and I love every minute. I may do a blog entry sometime. :<) We are also watching State of Play, a British political thriller which is being made into a movie. Very good. And we've just started renting the Poirot series which for some reason Tom and I had never, ever seen. Great great stuff.

And I am so pleased and touched that you like the fiddlers. The reason I bought it originally was to hear the Chaissons, a family we heard perform in PEI, and love so much.

alison said...

Hi Nan,
We continue to enjoy the fiddlers - I don't think we'll ever tire of them!