Thursday, August 7, 2008

Going Weekly

Now that we've FINALLY gotten high-speed Internet out here, I'm experiencing what it's really like to surf the web. I can blast through listmanias, scroll through 100s of pieces on, and go from email to email without needing a magazine on my lap to make the time between screens bearable. And now I have time to read more blogs and leave a comment if I wish without it taking 10 minutes to sign in. Because of this, I've decided to "go weekly" with my own blog and use my new found time for reading, not writing, more. I think my mundane life can only support one post a week anyway!


Nan said...

You know, we've got so-called high speed but it is via satellite which is still slow. My children are amazed at how long it takes for pages to load. :<) We hope some day to have the fast, fast internet. It takes me a really long time to load pictures, etc. And to go from blog to blog visiting. I'm thinking of doing something different in terms of my 'internet journal' and reading blogs because honestly, Alison, I'm on the computer too much. But gee, there are wonderful, wonderful blogs out there. And, believe me I love all your posts, every day or every week!! And yes, I did get your first email. I just haven't had a chance to respond. I'm so, so glad you like the music.

alison said...

I know what you mean about being on the computer too much! And the trouble is once I find a great blog (like yours) I look at the other favorite blogs on the sidebar and feel overwhelmed by all I'd like to get to. I think I might start looking at only 1 new blog a day for a while and after a month or so whittle down to my favorites because I feel an addiction coming on!

nan said...

Hello! "Other Nan" here. So glad you now have more internet speed. You will enjoy blogging so much more now, and if you decide to post more frequently than once-weekly, your readers will be happy! I enjoy your blog!

alison said...

Thank you, "other Nan" :). I hope to post more often once the kids are back in school!