Friday, May 22, 2009

Serenity Now!

Holy smokes, I haven't posted for so long that I almost forgot my sign in name!

In the last few weeks I have:

- Participated in the First Communion plans, preparation, and parties for my 2nd grader

- Been in a car accident

- Dealt with a skin cancer scare of my husband's

In the last few weeks I have NOT:

-Planted any flowers

-Read any books

-Listened to any music! :(

So I very much look forward to getting back to a normal routine! I think I'll start with going blog visiting!


nan said...

Oh Alison! I am sorry to hear things have been so crazy for you. Wishing you some peace...

alison said...

Thank you, Nan! I know better days are ahead!

Nan said...

I've found this May to be like this for a lot of people. It doesn't seem to be just the weather or the spring or the usual May things. I'm so glad it wasn't more than a scare. And that the accident wasn't terrible.

alison said...

Thanks, Nan. I will be happy to flip the calendar to June!

Susan Moorhead said...

Ouch! Here's good vibes for the rest of May and all of June!