Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Susan Branch, Gladys Taber, & Mike!

Today is the birthday of three of my favorite people - Susan Branch, Gladys Taber, and my husband Mike. It was ironic enough when I heard my two favorite authors shared the birth date, but holy cow when I met Mike and found he was born April 12th as well!

Birthday presents should be special and personal, I think. The real test of birthday gift is that it suits the one person, and no one else. Just the right book is better than a diamond bracelet, if you like books. A piece of Mexican glass, or a vase that is right for gladioli, or a plain wooden bowl for salad - these are the kinds of gifts. And a birthday letter is fine.

- Gladys Taber, The Book of Stillmeadow


Nan said...

A truly special day!!!

Erin | Bygone Living said...

Happy Birthday to all three! (especially to my idol, Susan♥) hehe.

alison said...

Thanks, girls!

Susan Moorhead said...

Lovely art - Happy birthday to all - and oh, to live in a tree, yes.