I read this yesterday and thought it was so cute - it may have been around awhile and I somehow missed it until now. When I read it to my sister, she told me she heard it before - I was reminded of the time I excitedly told her about a new great recipe I tried called Jello Poke Cake. I was then informed the recipe had been around for years and years and was certainly nothing new! (I then politely reminded her of our 25 year age difference, me being the youngest).
Anyway, here's the "recipe" which supposedly originated on a vintage cookie tin.
Recipe for Preserving Children
• 1 grassy field
• 1 half-dozen children (or more)
• Several dogs (and puppies, if available)
• 1 brook
• Pebbles
1. Into field pour children and dogs, allowing to mix well.
2. Pour brook over pebbles till slightly frothy.
3. When children are nicely brown cool in warm bath.
4. When dry, serve with milk and fresh baked gingerbread.
From Cait - An Update
10 years ago