Friday, November 14, 2008

Thoughts of November by Gladys Taber

I love this passage from the book Stillmeadow Calendar by Gladys Taber:

In November, there are gay evenings with Wilma and Willie, and Tommy shows me how to work his tape recorder; dinners with Millie and Ed after we watch a thrilling football game; long afternoons with Barbara and Slim, during which we sip coffee and talk about everything from recipes to literature. There are sunset drives with my friend Faith Baldwin; fireside games of Scrabble with Helen Beals; hamburgers and home-baked beans with Helen and Vicky; Joan Baez records with Bobby Gibson, with cheese and crackers and a bowl of fruit at hand. These are simple things, but to me they are most precious. And as I recall each one, November's beaver moon shines brighter than ever and I know that love and friendship, hearth fires, and faith are indeed gifts to be thankful for and to treasure always.


Nan said...

Wasn't she so lucky to have such friends, and such fun!

alison said...

Wasn't she?! I wish I had a "Faith Baldwin" and a "Slim" of my own!

Cait O'Connor said...

What a lovely passage. I am going to have to look up Gladys Taber.
Thank you for visiting my blog, I am going to read more of yours now.